Books: Knitting in the City: Reluctant Romance
What: A series of romance novels about a group of women who live in Chicago and knit together every Tuesday. Each book follows a different women from the knitting group, and the journey to finding love.
Why: So I listen to books all the time. I love a good story, and especially a love story. I also happen to have the Audible Escape package and it is amazing. Last year I read over 80 books, and maybe I will reread some of them just so I can write about them here. One of the good books I found as part of the package was Neanderthal Seeks Human, which happens to be the first book in the “knitting in the city” series.
I have finally worked my way to the next two books in the series. I finished Friends Without Benefits and started Love Hacked today. I enjoy these books because I am honestly surpried by some of the plot lines, and twists. I read a lot of books, and I watch a lot of tv, I know stories and story structure like I know my own name, stories are breathing for me. This is to say it is refreshing when I find a book, or series of books, that surprise me, especially in this genre. On top of that, but at the core of these books is female friendships. They all support each other and knit, it reminds me of home (I come from some serious knitters).
These books are cozy, fun, and well written. I frequently found myself physically reacting to the books emotional arcs. That is to say, I laughed, cringed, curled my toes, and cried. A good story makes you feel something, and these books make me feel a lot.