Sense8 (TV Show)
What: There are 8 people in 8 different cities that are, all of a sudden, psychically linked. It turns out they were all born at the same moment in time, and they are a cluster. However, they aren’t alone. They are being hunted by people who want to weaponize this ability, and eventually wipe them out. These 8 people have to learn to balance their own lives, the lives of their cluster, and the battle to survive.
Why: This show is important for so many reasons. First of all it is shot in the places it takes place, which means all around the world. As a result the racial diversity is better than most shows. Really the overall representation is pretty stellar. It is written by two trans women, and starts a trans woman, playing a trans women. The downside is the budget for the show was too big for anyone to maintain. It is only two short season and a “movie”
This show is beautiful and capital ‘G’ Good. Yes there are orgies and quite a bit of violence, but it is basically about how no matter our background, or our world, we are all connected. I cried countless times watching this show, just because it is so beautiful. Please watch this show and go into it knowing that the thesis for the show is LOVE* in all it’s forms.
*I just want to tell my 9th grade English teacher that I know that a thesis statement can’t be just one word, but this is a show and love isn’t just a word.