Current Obsession Wednesday: Dirk Gently Holistic Detective Agency (TV show)

Current Obsession Wednesday: Dirk Gently Holistic Detective Agency (TV show)

It has been a while since watched a show that really kept me guessing. I know there are shows that have twists and turns and shocking surprises. But, when was the last time that you watched a show where you honestly had no idea what was happening, but in a good way? Does that make sense? Maybe? Well watch Dirk Gently and it will. I went into this show without knowing anything. All I knew was Dirk Gently was a “holistic detective” and that Elijah Wood was in it. I just hit play and delighted in how confused I was, while absorbing every detail I could. So I know I’m late to the party on this one. I mean the second season is coming out in November, so this think has been making the rounds for about a year, but I don’t think enough people are watching. However, I don’t want to write a summary of anything. I do not want to spoil a single detail. So here is a list of things about the show that I love.

-Todd is both the worst and a loveable dork
-Todd is totally a Gryffindor
-Dirk is surprisingly incapable
-The Rowdy 3 are the best -Pararibulitis is my new biggest fear
-There is a kitten and a corgi and they are both very important
-Holistic assassins should be a thing
-I ship everyone with everyone
-If you work at a hotel and lose a master key you are fired (that isn’t in the show that is just from my personal hotel working experience)

In conclusion this show is amazing, filled with amazing characters, and you should watch it right now.

Current Obsession Wednesday: Dorothy Must Die

Current Obsession Wednesday: Dorothy Must Die

